
Oral health is more important than many people think. Taking care of your teeth, gums and wider mouth is the key to preserving overall health, which makes regular trips to the dentist particularly vital.

Most dental surgeries recommend checking in with them at least once every six months to keep on top of oral hygiene. Read on to discover just some of the reasons why these regular dental check ups are so important.


Protect oral health

With regular dental check ups, you can ensure your mouth receives the preventative care it needs. Preventative care safeguards against a long list of problems, including gum disease, cavities and more serious issues like oral cancer.

With many of these complications, early detection and intervention is fundamental to protecting oral health for the short and long term.


Look and feel amazing

A great smile can win anyone over so make sure you protect it from the many issues that can affect its health, condition and appearance. Maintaining good oral hygiene and health will serve you well throughout your life, giving you the confidence to take on every day your way.

In addition to helping you take care of your oral health, our dentists can provide cosmetic improvements, such as orthodontic treatments (including the fitting of retainers and braces), teeth whitening, dental implants, and veneers.

Regular dental check ups also prevent the plaque, decay and tooth loss that can affect your smile and impact your self-esteem.


Close oral care gaps

The ritual of brushing every day is one that we rely on from an early age. Regular dental check ups ensure all your hard work is paying off to give that winning smile a seal of approval.

With regular check ups, your dentist will be able to identify any gaps in oral care, providing information on techniques you can use at home to take care of your teeth more effectively and efficiently.


Take care of you

As we mentioned previously, taking care of your oral health is the key to looking after your overall health. Diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease are just a small selection of the conditions that have been linked to poor oral health for example.

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining good oral health through regular dental checks can also influence sleep quantity and quality. Issues like sleep apnoea and teeth grinding can be relieved or remedied with a visit to your dentist.

Looking for a dentist to take care of your regular check ups? Use Look4 Dentists to find a trusted, experienced and qualified dentist for your general check ups.



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